Fighting Diabetes Through Nutrition

Understanding Diabetes

I remember it like it was yesterday, I was 270 and gaining. I remember stepping on that scale and saying enough is enough. That’s when I started to become more conscious of exercising and being more aware of what I was eating. At this time I already knew about Neolife and from past experience I knew the Neolife Shake would work. I also took another product called Neolax. Neolax helps to clean your colon and boy does it work. I started going to the gym and working out 30 mins. a day five days a week and as of today I’m 235 and counting. Back in the day I used to think that people were just saying something when they talked about how good they felt. I soon found out that it was so true and you start attracting people to you, its great.
Diabetes causes serious health problems like kidney failure, heart disease, stoke, and blindless. Many people are not aware that they are diabetic or have prediabetes. Its sad to say that most people are eating themselves into an early death. Much of this is do to the standard American diet(SAD).
The health costs of diabetes is tremendous. By 2020 more than half of Americans will have diabetes or will be a prediabetic. This will cost the health care system more than 3.35 trillion dollars according to UnitedHealth Group.
Let’s look at this problem from a prevention point of veiw. It has been called a “public health humiliation” because type 2 diabetes is preventable and reversable. Refined grains, oils sugars, and animal products are at core of this crisis. If this information was helpful please leave your comments thanks.